Hi friends! I just came home after a wonderful and relaxing yoga class and I realized that it’s been a while since a made a post about one of my true passions.
In one of my previous blog posts I told you how vinyasa or flow yoga changed my life. I´ve learned how to relax and de-stress my busy lifestyle, I became more focused at tasks at hand, and I became more flexible and strengthened my body. To say things short, I found my balance in life.
Whenever you feel stressed or can’t sleep, focus on these postures and be amazed by their power to cool and calm your body and mind.
Moon Salutation Or Chandra Namaskar
Most of us are familiar with the Sun salutation flow or Surya Namaskar to stimulate and bring heat and energy in your body. The moon salutation, its soothing little sister, is a flow of sequences coordinated through your breathing to calm and cool you down and draw your awareness inward to end your day in peace.
This sequences is ideal when feeling depleted, overstimulated or overheated. The quieting sequence invites you to bow and cultivate the moon’s soothing lunar energy.
This flow sequence is very beneficial for man and women under any kind of stress.
Always breathe through your nose and extend on an inhale and bend on an exhale. Repeat this sequence as many times as you like.
There are many variations of the moon salutation. The sequence I’ll show you below is an easy sequence for all levels.
Now let’s take a look at the sequence…
1. Mountain Pose or Tadasana.
Begin the sequence in a mountain pose, while pressing your palms together in front of your heart. Make contact between your thumbs and sternum. Take several breaths to prepare and calm your body for the next poses. If you want you can close your eyes.
2. Upward Salute or Urdhva Hastasana (Side Bend Variation)
When you’re ready… on an inhalation bring your arms out to the side and bring them up above your head in one flowing motion. Intertwine your fingers, pointing your index fingers upwards.
On the exhale, bend your upper torso to the right while keeping your feet firmly on the ground.
Inhale and come back to the center and repeat to the left side.
Exhale and release your arms. All in one flowing motion
3. Goddess Squat or Utkata Konasana
Exhale while lowering your hips and bending your knees over your toes, coming into a squat position. Bring your arms at shoulder- height to each side of your body, palms facing up. Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle, fingertips
toward the ceiling.
toward the ceiling.
4. Star Pose
To come out of this squat position, straighten your legs on an inhalation and stretch your arms out again at shoulder-height. Palms facing forward, fingers spread. Wrists and feet should be just above each other.
5. Extended Triangle Pose or Utthita Trikonasana
Rotate your front foot, right one, 90 degrees. Toes pointing to the short front edge of your yoga mat. Turn your left toes slightly to the front, both ankles should be in line. On the exhale shift your left hip back and reach with your right hand towards your right foot. Rest your hand on the outer ankle or if flexible enough on the floor. Open up your chest by lifting your left arm straight up. Both arms should be in one straight line up.
6. Pyramid Pose or Parsvottanasana
Exhale and fold forward over your right leg. Place both hands on your lower leg, foot or on the floor. See what works for you and what feels comfortable. Keep your back foot flat and firmly in your yoga mat.
7. Low Crescent Lunge or Anjaneyasana
On an inhale, bend your right knee and place the fingertips of both hands on each side of your right foot on the floor. On your next exhale step your left foot to the back of your yoga mat, while keeping your right foot to the front of your mat. Make sure to align right knee over right heel. Lower your left knee towards the floor, untuck your toes. Rest the top of your left foot and knee on the floor and open your chest to the front.
8. Low Side Lunge
Exhale and turn your left toes forward, make sure to keep your left leg straight and your hands on the floor or if this is too much for you, rest your hands on your right thigh.
9. Garland Pose or Malasana
Inhale and come to a squat position, pushing your elbows against the inside of your knees. Keep your spine straight and bring your palms in a prayer position in front of your chest and exhale.
10. Low Side Lunge
Exhale and bring your chest towards your left foot. Take your variation, hands on the floor or on your thigh.
11. Low Crescent Lunge or Anjaneyasana
On an inhalation, point your left toes to the back of your mat and rotate your right leg, place your knee and foot on the mat. Open up your chest. Exhale and place your fingertips on the mat on each side of your left foot.
12. Pyramid Pose or Parsvottanasana
Straighten both legs on an inhalation and while exhaling bend your chest over your left leg. Take your variation, hands on lower leg, foot or on the floor.
13. Extended Triangle Pose or Utthita Trikonasana
Inhale and open your chest while extending your right hand straight up. Left hand is on the outside of your left ankle or floor.
Exhale while in this position.
14. Star pose
Inhale and raise your chest, extend your arms, while palms are facing forward and fingers are fully spread.
15. Goddess squat
Exhale, bend your knees, lower your hips into a squat position and bend your elbows in a 90 degree angle.
16. Upward Salute or Urdhva Hastasana (Side Bend Variation)
Inhale and straighten your legs, place both feet next to each other. Bring your arms to the side and up, intertwine fingers again, index fingers pointing up. Exhale and bend to the right, inhale and go back to the center, repeat to the left side while exhaling and come back to the center while inhaling.
Release your arms on an exhale and your back in the mountain pose or tadasana. Repeat as many times as you like.
Feel the benefits of the moon salutation. Feel its soothing and calming effect on body and mind. I just love this sequence to end my day with or whenever I feel stressed.
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