΄Να θυμάσαι, ο διαλογισμός θα σου φέρει όλο και πιο πολλή ευφυΐα,
άπειρη ευφυΐα, ριζοσπαστική ευφυΐα. Ο διαλογισμός θα σε κάνει πιο
ζωντανό και ευαίσθητο΄ η ζωή σου θα γίνει πλουσιότερη.
τους ασκητές: η ζωή τους έχει γίνει σχεδόν σαν να μην είναι ζωή. Οι
άνθρωποι αυτοί δεν είναι διαλογιστές. Μπορεί να είναι μαζοχιστές, να
βασανίζουν τον εαυτό τους και να απολαμβάνουν τα βασανιστήρια… Ο νους
είναι πολύ πονηρός, κάνει συνεχώς διάφορα πράγματα και τα εκλογικεύει.
΄΄Κατά κανόνα
είσαι βίαιος απέναντι στους άλλους, αλλά ο νους είναι πολύ πονηρός –
μπορεί να μάθει τη μη βία, μπορεί να διδάσκει τη μη βία και τότε γίνεται
βίαιος απέναντι στον εαυτό του. Και η βία που ασκείς στον εαυτό σου
είναι σεβαστή από τους ανθρώπους, διότι έχουν την ιδέα πως αν είσαι
ασκητής, είσαι θρησκευόμενος. Είναι τελείως ανόητο αυτό. Ο Θεός δεν
είναι ασκητής, αλλιώς δεν θα υπήρχαν λουλούδια, δεν θα υπήρχαν πράσινα
δέντρα, μόνον έρημοι. Ο Θεός δεν είναι ασκητής, αλλιώς δεν θα υπήρχε το
τραγούδι στη ζωή, ο χορός στη ζωή – μόνο ατέλειωτα νεκροταφεία. Ο Θεός
δεν είναι ασκητής: ο Θεός απολαμβάνει τη ζωή. Ο Θεός είναι περισσότερο
επικούρειος από όσο μπορείς να φανταστείς. Αν σκέφτεσαι το Θεό, να τον
σκέφτεσαι από την άποψη του Επίκουρου. Ο Θεός αποτελεί συνεχή αναζήτηση
για όλο και πιο πολλή ευτυχία, χαρά , έκσταση. Να το θυμάσαι αυτό.
΄΄Αλλά ο νους είναι πολύ πονηρός. Μπορεί κι εκλογικεύει την παράλυση ως
διαλογισμό΄ μπορεί κι εκλογικεύει τη νωθρότητα ως υπέρβαση: μπορεί κι
εκλογικεύει τη νέκρωση ως απάρνηση. Πρόσεχε. Να θυμάσαι πάντα ότι αν
κινείσαι στη σωστή κατεύθυνση, θα ανθίζεις συνεχώς.΄΄

The number 108 is significant for so many reasons.
believe there are 108 stages on the journey of the human soul, while
others associate the possibility of enlightenment with taking only 108
breaths a day, while in deep meditation.
No matter who you ask, the answer will most likely be different each time.
The truth is — the significance of 108 beads on your mala is open to interpretation. Which we love.
mala beads were traditionally created to be used as a tool in
meditation, we like to associate it with the ideals of meditation.
— we believe mala beads are also beautiful mediums to set intentions,
manifest, and generally feel good. You don't have to meditate on the
beads, although that's what they are made for in a practical sense.
malas are handknotted between each seed and gemstone, allowing one to
chant their mantra — a sound or string of words — and keep track of were
they are.
Our mala necklaces all reflect the number 108. Almost
all of our malas have 108 beads, while some have 216 (double), or 54
Here are some more popular reasons behind the 108 mythology in mala beads.
of our favourite explanations for having 108 beads on a mala is related
to the chakras (the seven energy points in our body).
It has
been said there there are 108 energy lines connecting to the heart, with
one of them believed to be the path to self realization.
using your mala beads in meditation and chanting your mantra, some have
said you are complete once you have done it 100 times. The 8 extra
beads are to account for errors. Or even more beautiful, are meant to be
an offering to your guru.
choose to recite their mantra in sanskrit, the ancient script of India.
Within the Saksrit alphabet there are 54 letters. Each letter has a
feminine and masculine version — totalling 108.

Mala beads are believed to absorb and store energy, therefore
depending on your preference you may wish to cleanse your mala beads
from time to time.
We recommend that you do not lend or share your malas with others as
not to transfer any energy. If this does happen you may wish to cleanse
your mala.
How To Cleanse Your Mala
There are a few different ways you can cleanse your mala. Here are some of our favorite ways to cleanse ours:
- placing it in the sunlight or moonlight
- burning white sage
- by sound vibration such as a singing bowl or chanting
All of our malas are blessed in Bali and it is not necessary to cleanse before wearing.
Cleaning Your Mala
With regular use you may also wish to clean your mala from time to
time. You can do this by placing the mala in warm water. You can also
add a mild soap if you wish. Soak the beads for some time (some suggest
leaving in over night). Use a delicate brush to scrub the seeds. Leave
the beads to fully dry.
After cleaning you can also brush your mala with coconut oil, or
sandalwood oil. Oiling will make the beads strong and they won't dry
If your mala is well loved you may also want to freshen up the
tassel. One way to do this is by wetting the tassel and gently combing
the strands.
If you have any other questions about cleansing or caring for your mala please email us at info@malacollective.com.
Congratulations! You're taking a giant step towards finding inner peace, grounding, and overall self love.
Mala beads can help you with so much in your life. Especially the above.
beads have been used in prayer and meditation for centuries. But are
also known to help one find a calmer mind, body, and spirit by simply
having them present. We believe they act as a reminder to be more
conscious about what you're seeking, how you're acting, and what you're
When looking to connect with your mala beads, there's a few things to keep in mind.
and foremost — there is no wrong or right way to choose your mala.
typically, we find that the mala chooses you. If you simply surrender
to the process, and allow your heart and gut to guide you, you will be
lead to the right set of beads.
We often tell people, whatever one you are drawn to, is the one
that is meant for you. It most often reflects the intentions you are
However, if you are looking for more guidance in the process, here are a few suggestions.
Ask yourself, what intention are you seeking?
Our mala beads combine rudraksha seeds with gemstones. Rudraksha seeds embody a calmer mind, body, and spirit.
each gemstone carries its own intention.
If you are seeking
tranquility, and a closer connection to your spirituality, we would
suggest a mala with amethyst.
If you are seeking balance or abundance, we would suggest green jasper.
If strength and clarity is what you're looking for, lava is the best stone.
if love is something you are seeking — whether self, platonic, family,
or relationship — we encourage using rose quartz.
There are numerous
One of our favourites is turquoise, which protects on a journey, and increases love and destroys hatred.
You can also ask yourself — what will you use your mala beads for?
Will you use it for meditation? Or do you simply want a daily reminder to follow your intentions?
you are looking specifically for meditation, that's great! All of our
mala necklaces are hand knotted between each seed and stone. This helps
in the meditation process of counting your mantras.
We also include the guru bead in our necklaces, to signify that you have counted all 108 beads.
you are looking to use your mala as a daily reminder of something you
want to manifest in your life, or an intention you want to be mindful
of, that's a beautiful reason, too. You can do this with either
bracelets or necklaces. You can even combine different gemstones. We
find many people will layer numerous bracelets, combining lava, rose
quartz, and turquoise bracelets together.
Whatever your reason, enjoy the process!
You're in for a beautiful journey with your new mala beads.
Buying mala beads for someone else? Read more here.
This article was written by Mala Collective founder and journalist Ashley Wray.]