The Kundalini Energy is awareness itself. It organizes all the other energies in the body. If its flow is open and correct, healing results occur with almost miraculous impact. Our fears and attachments often disturb the normal flow of energy and functioning of the first three chakras. When that flow is opened and reconnected to the higher centers, the nervous system, glands and chakras all synchronize. A deep rejuvenation cascades throughout the body.
This long treatment focuses on tapping the energy locked in the 2cd and 3rd chakras. It is released by linking pairs of points that act as polarities to each other- like poles of a battery. They are called moon and sun points. Then the energy is guided through the higher centers and stabilized by adjusting the pituitary, pineal and thyroid centers.
It is a good example of the systematic thoroughness of these Kundalini Massage techniques.
In this particular massage we use trigger points. These points open gateways and meridians in the body. To get the result we apply a firm pressure. Some points are often painful to the touch. Adjust the treatment to the tolerance level of the client. But also strive for the maximum pressure that can be tolerated to reach the maximum reflex effect. The point is not to create pain. It is to create a pressure and reflex, rhythmically and steadily applied for a short time. If the goal were only relaxation, or temporary balance we would not need the pressure. But to evoke from the body memory a re-structuring of the energy, a basic rejuvenation that will last, we need the pressure.
1. Student lies face up. Put the thumb on the moon point just above the center top of the pubic bone. Stretch the little finger along the midline over the navel to a spot just a few inches below the tip of the sternum. That point is the sun point relative to the first point. Apply pressure to both points at once and massage in small circles. Continue 1 ½ minutes.
2. Keep the hand stretched as above and move the thumb tip up to the navel point. This acts as the moon point. The little finger stretches up to the sun point along the midline a few inches up from the tip of the sternum. Rub both as in #1 for 1 ½ minutes.
3. Stand or sit above the student’s head as they continue to lie on the back. Place the thumb tip just below the collar bone, near the sternum (Kidney 27 meridian point), and stretch the other fingers to the side, around the insertion of the pectoralis muscles. Lock the thumb tip and fingers in a squeeze to fix the muscles. Massage in a rotary motion as above for 2 minutes.
4. Place the thumb tips on the student’s forehead just above the center of the eyebrows. With equal pressure on both sides, massage with rotary pressure as above for 2 minutes.
5. Put the finger tips on the temples at the side of the head. Ask the student to begin deep, slow breaths. As they inhale apply a light steady pressure equally to both temples. As they exhale lift your finger off and away about four inches. Continue for 1-1 ½ minutes. Then apply continuous steady pressure to the temples as they keep breathing for ½ minute more. (This is a key to releasing temporalis tension, TMJ blockage and establishing cranial rhythms).
6. As they continue deep breathing, criss cross your hands in the air, palms down over the students face for ½- 1 minute. (6th chakra recomputes the body image and meridian flow from the stimulation. Brings energy to 6th chakra and flow of thoughts linked to body patterns).
7. Hook the tip of the index fingers under the edge of the eyebrow orbit ridge. Find the notch just to the side of the nose. It will be sensitive due to the large nerve there. Pull up in a steady manner. The force should be enough to alert the body alarms. Focus on the power of your own voice projection and command from the fifth center: “Concentrate deeply. Crystallize yourself. Become immovable and clam. You know no fear. Breath deeply. Beyond any reaction. Let it all go. Be still. Fearless and free!” Continue for 1 minute.
8. Tap your finger tips all around the ears on both sides. Rapidly and gently. ½ minute.
9. Run the fists in a circular massage motion over the ears and the area directly in front of them. Close the hands in to a fist with the thumbs locked on the outside. Use the flat area with the base of the palm. Use moderate pressure. 1 minute.
10. Now place the base of both hands over top of the eyebrows one on each side. Left hand over right. Put a steady downward pressure over the eyebrows so the forehead goes down a bit. Have them breath deeply and slowly as you verbally command them: “Relax..let everything go..allow your body to sleep, deeply, relax…rejuvenate..let it go..Obey and you will command it all..totally release it all..” Continue for 5 minutes.
11. Have them roll onto the stomach. Rapidly tap or strike with the side of the hands all along the spine going up and down repeatedly. 2 minutes.
12. Massage the center of each buttock with the base of the palm. Alternate the pressure form one side to the other as you massage in circles focused at the deep center of each side. ½ minute.
13. Use the base of the palms half way down the back of the thigh. Massage the same way and stretch the finger tips up toward the top of the thigh muscle near the buttocks and press there as you massage the central thigh. ½ - 1 minute.
14. Do the same motion in back of the knees. 1 minute.
15. Do the same motion in the center back of the calve muscles. 1 minute.
16. Do the same motion on the Achilles tendon in back of the heel. The tendon crosses the center line of the palm. Alternate the pressure side to side. 2 minutes.
17. Massage in a deep rotating motion with the thumb tips the area just below and slightly behind the ankle bones on the inside of the feet. (Kidney 3 meridian point). 1 minute.
18. Make sure the students head is facing down and straight, not turned. Ideally a table with a face hole is used. Then place the hands on the back of the head and press straight down. Create a steady, gentle pump motion. 1 minute.
19. Massage strongly the point in the center of the balls of both feet (Kidney 1 meridian point). Use deep circular motions. 1 minute.
20. Now, on each foot, one at a time: stretch each toe by pulling it in the natural direction. Then squeeze the entire foot with both hands like milking. 1 minute for each foot.
21. Finish by switching to the hands and do the same motions as in #20. 1 minute for each hand.
Kundalini Yoga Lecture - Yogi Bhajan Part 3
- Awakening the Body with Massage -
1996 Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. with Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
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