Τετάρτη 1 Μαΐου 2013

Health and Intimacy Benefits of Practicing Tantra Yoga and Tantric Sex

From Chandi Devi

Tantric Orgasms

Sexual Health can be improved naturally through the practices of Tantra Yoga and tantric sex. Besides having a strong body/mind/spirit connection, every loving couple should also enjoy multiple, powerful sexual orgasms, which stimulate and increase the secretion of the pineal and pituitary glands.

Tantric Sex Improves Sexual Health

Tantric sex has a rejuvenating effect, improving men and women's sexual health. Frequent orgasms, as one of the brain wave stimulations, will alter body chemistry. Depression and stress disappear. Women's sexual health is greatly improved. Headaches, menstrual cramps, urinary-tract problems, weak immune function, incontinence, etc. virtually become a thing of the past. 

In tantric sex, the brain chemistry is affected by empowering the endocrine glands for more hGH, serotonin, DHEA, and testosterone. Scientific and medical studies prove that sexual health improves drastically... stimulating blood circulation, detoxifying the body through the breath, strengthening the cardiovascular, endocrine/immune and nervous functions, leading to improved sexual health, rejuvenation and longevity.

Orgasms Strengthen Immune System

Orgasms that last at least 20 minutes can alleviate depression altogether. Take years off our face as depression is eliminated from our life. Prolong life span, strengthen the immune system and improve overall sexual health by freeing our body and mind through tantric sex.

Men can derive great benefits by increasing sexual quantity and sexual quality in a safe, healthy, natural way through tantric sex. Tantric sex focuses on the benefits of prolonging the sex act for more intimacy and health benefits. 

Men are most concerned with:

  • Having a soft erection
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Low intensity
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Prolonging ejaculation
  • Performance skills
  • Self confidence
  • Satisfying his partner
  • Male sexual health
While men's sexual health concerns are more of a physical nature, women's concerns seem to be a function of their minds. 

Women want to enjoy sex, but their main problem usually stems from Western based religions or feelings of guilt and shame. 

Women's problems with sex generally fall in the following categories:

  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Loss of sensations
  • Painful intercourse
  • Inability to reach orgasm
  • Having weak or mild orgasms
  • Weak internal muscles due to childbirth etc.
  • Sexual health concerns
  • Sexual guilt and shame
  • Inhibitions
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Need to be in control
Loss of interest can arise from being too busy, overworked, having an insensitive lover who doesn't know how to make you happy. The guilt and shame factor is deeply imbedded in our Western culture mainly perpetuated through religion and "osmosis" ...the Western mind-set. In the East, the body and all its functions are considered beautiful and natural.

Frequent Orgasms and Women's Health

Frequent orgasms can benefit women's sexual health tremendously. However, there is a vast difference in having an ordinary orgasm and having a tantric orgasm. Ordinary orgasms, which are the norm, are of short duration, isolated in the sex organs. Tantric sex orgasms involve the full body, mind and spirit, lasting for hours as well. 

Benefits of Tantric Orgasm

To obtain the benefits of a tantric orgasm, the shakti, or energy, the rising kundalini, must pierce each of the chakras (vortexes of energy in the subtle body) as it ascends the spinal cord. It must reach the brain's central nervous system and endocrine command center - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which commands the changes that benefits our sexual health. 

Benefits of Frequent Orgasms

Frequent and powerful orgasms increase the level of the orgasm hormone, oxytocin. The oxytocin level is linked to the personality, passion, social skills and emotional quotient (EQ), all of which affects career, marriage, emotions and social life. Orgasms are very beneficial for sexual health because they empower our pituitary (brain function). 

We benefit from tantra practices on the physical, spiritual and emotional levels. Hari Om Tat Sat. 

About this Contributor Chandi Devi has always been involved in both the creative arts as well as the mystic arts. Chandi showed great talent in the spiritual and mystic arts even as a young child, an interest that would eventually lead her to completely immerse herself in the study of tantra and all the meditative arts. Through the tantric path, the Shakti (goddess energy) awakened in Chandi a profoundly deep and broad passion for the diversity of life's treasures, including spiritual studies, yoga, holistic health, healing, nutrition, vegetarianism, fitness, exercise, Vedic astrology, card reading, feng shui, tarot, pets, animal rights, politics, beauty, fashion, painting, writing, sculpting, dancing, singing, songwriting, doll making, costuming, and many more. 
chandi@theworldoftantra.comSexual Health can be improved naturally through the practices of Tantra Yoga and tantric sex. Besides having a strong body/mind/spirit connection, every loving couple should also enjoy multiple, powerful sexual orgasms, which stimulate and increase the secretion of the pineal and pituitary glands.

Tantric Sex Improves Sexual Health

Tantric sex has a rejuvenating effect, improving men and women's sexual health. Frequent orgasms, as one of the brain wave stimulations, will alter body chemistry. Depression and stress disappear. Women's sexual health is greatly improved. Headaches, menstrual cramps, urinary-tract problems, weak immune function, incontinence, etc. virtually become a thing of the past. 

In tantric sex, the brain chemistry is affected by empowering the endocrine glands for more hGH, serotonin, DHEA, and testosterone. Scientific and medical studies prove that sexual health improves drastically... stimulating blood circulation, detoxifying the body through the breath, strengthening the cardiovascular, endocrine/immune and nervous functions, leading to improved sexual health, rejuvenation and longevity.

Orgasms Strengthen Immune System

Orgasms that last at least 20 minutes can alleviate depression altogether. Take years off our face as depression is eliminated from our life. Prolong life span, strengthen the immune system and improve overall sexual health by freeing our body and mind through tantric sex.

Men can derive great benefits by increasing sexual quantity and sexual quality in a safe, healthy, natural way through tantric sex. Tantric sex focuses on the benefits of prolonging the sex act for more intimacy and health benefits. 

Men are most concerned with:

  • Having a soft erection
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Low intensity
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Prolonging ejaculation
  • Performance skills
  • Self confidence
  • Satisfying his partner
  • Male sexual health
While men's sexual health concerns are more of a physical nature, women's concerns seem to be a function of their minds. 

Women want to enjoy sex, but their main problem usually stems from Western based religions or feelings of guilt and shame. 

Women's problems with sex generally fall in the following categories:

  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Loss of sensations
  • Painful intercourse
  • Inability to reach orgasm
  • Having weak or mild orgasms
  • Weak internal muscles due to childbirth etc.
  • Sexual health concerns
  • Sexual guilt and shame
  • Inhibitions
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Need to be in control
Loss of interest can arise from being too busy, overworked, having an insensitive lover who doesn't know how to make you happy. The guilt and shame factor is deeply imbedded in our Western culture mainly perpetuated through religion and "osmosis" ...the Western mind-set. In the East, the body and all its functions are considered beautiful and natural.

Frequent Orgasms and Women's Health

Frequent orgasms can benefit women's sexual health tremendously. However, there is a vast difference in having an ordinary orgasm and having a tantric orgasm. Ordinary orgasms, which are the norm, are of short duration, isolated in the sex organs. Tantric sex orgasms involve the full body, mind and spirit, lasting for hours as well. 

Benefits of Tantric Orgasm

To obtain the benefits of a tantric orgasm, the shakti, or energy, the rising kundalini, must pierce each of the chakras (vortexes of energy in the subtle body) as it ascends the spinal cord. It must reach the brain's central nervous system and endocrine command center - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which commands the changes that benefits our sexual health. 

Benefits of Frequent Orgasms

Frequent and powerful orgasms increase the level of the orgasm hormone, oxytocin. The oxytocin level is linked to the personality, passion, social skills and emotional quotient (EQ), all of which affects career, marriage, emotions and social life. Orgasms are very beneficial for sexual health because they empower our pituitary (brain function). 

We benefit from tantra practices on the physical, spiritual and emotional levels. Hari Om Tat Sat. 

About this Contributor Chandi Devi has always been involved in both the creative arts as well as the mystic arts. Chandi showed great talent in the spiritual and mystic arts even as a young child, an interest that would eventually lead her to completely immerse herself in the study of tantra and all the meditative arts. Through the tantric path, the Shakti (goddess energy) awakened in Chandi a profoundly deep and broad passion for the diversity of life's treasures, including spiritual studies, yoga, holistic health, healing, nutrition, vegetarianism, fitness, exercise, Vedic astrology, card reading, feng shui, tarot, pets, animal rights, politics, beauty, fashion, painting, writing, sculpting, dancing, singing, songwriting, doll making, costuming, and many more. 

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