Seven Major Chakras - Meanings And Descriptions
What is an Energy Center or Chakra?
* Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel and the chakras can be seen to be coloured, circular energy vortices or simply coloured discs.
* If we were able to see the chakras we would observe a wheel of energy continuously revolving or rotating.
* Chakras are in different dimensions to our physical selves – they are at higher vibrations.
* The first thing to notice about the colours of the chakras is that they are the colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When these colours of light are combined they make white – the colour of the spirit.
* Red light has the lowest frequency and violet the highest just as the red chakra is to do with the physical and violet to do with the spiritual.
* Each chakra tends to be primarily related to certain organs, glands, and life issues.
* Each chakra supports physical well-being by providing vitality to the physical body as well as psychological and emotional balance.
* Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
* Location: Base of the spine and is closest to the earth
* Color : red
* Gland: Adrenal
* Element: Earth
* Sense: Smell
* Function: Survival issues, physical vitality, seat of Kundalini, creative expression, abundance issues.
* Mantra: I am
* Seed Mantra: Lam
* Leaves/Petals: 4
* Yoga Path: Hatha
* Food Type: Proteins, Root Vegetables, Spices
* Physical: Teeth, Legs, Feet, Elimination System, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood
* Effects: Courage, Stability, Security, Finanacial Abundance, Easy Manifestation, Success in the Physical World, Grounding, Physical Wellbeing, Strong Survival Instints
* Associated Stones: Homatite, Red Fasper, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Red or Black Stones and Crystals
* Illness: Constipation, Diarrhea, Uninary Tract Infections, Cold Hands or Feet, Kidney Stones, Irrational Fears, Financhial Problems.
* Root Stimulants: Physical exercise and restful sleeps, gardening, pottery and clay. Red food & drink. Red gemstones, red clothing, bathing in red, etc. Using red oils such as ylang ylang or sandalwood essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I WILL”. I am grounded, safe, and secure. I make a good living doing what I love. I am stable, strong, and healthy.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To feel safe and secure in the “physical plane”, to manifest our basic needs, to be nourished, to experience belonging to the whole.
Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana)
* Location: Between the navel and the genitals (front & back)
* Color: colors orange and red-orange. This is our intuitive center.
* Gland: The gonads(ovaries and testicles), prostate gland
* Element: Water
* Sense: Taste
* Function: Center of sexual energy, feeling - emotion center
* Mantra: I Feel
* Seed Mantra: Vam
* Leaves/Petals: 6
* Yoga Path: Tantra
* Food Type: Liquids, Sweet fruits, Raw honey, Nuts, Spices, Meat, Fish, Grains, Fruits, Grains
* Physical: Lower Abdomen, Uterus, Large Intestine, Prostate, Ovaries and Testicles
* Effects: Sexuality, Healthy Emotion, Physical Relationships, Spontaneity, Energy, Zest for Life and Creativity
* Associated Stones: Carelian, Red Fasper, Amber, Goldstone, Orange Stones and Crystals
* Illness: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, Ovarian Cysts and Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Prostate Cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Endomentriosis, Testicular Cancer, Joint Stiffness, Overly Dominant or Overly Submissive Relationships
* Sacral Stimulants: Hot aromatic baths, water aerobics, massage.Embracing sensation (such as different food tastes). Orange food & drink. Orange gemstones and orange clothing. Using orange oils such as melissa or orange essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I FEEL”. I am creative, and adaptable. I am a sensual and sexual being. I am able to enjoy the pleasures of life.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To bond and connect our emotions with others without losing our identity and to freely express creativity.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
* Location: Above the navel in the solar plexus (front & back)
* Color: Yellow
* Gland: Pancreas
* Element: Fire
* Sense: Sight
* Function: Power and wisdom center
* Mantra: I do
* Seed Mantra: Ram
* Leaves/Petals: 10
* Yoga Path: Karma
* Food Type: Carbohydrates, Root Vegetables, Granola, Grains, Dairy, Spices
* Physcial: Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Digestive tract, Gall bladdr, Nervous System, lower back
* Effects: Healthy Ego, Self-Confidence, Personal Power, Ambition, Drive, Sharp Intellect, Decisiveness, Feeling In Control of One's Life and Destiny
* Associated Stones: Yellow Jasper, Yellow or Gold Quartz, Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Yellow or Brown/Yellow Stones and Crystals
* Illness: Ulcers, Pancreatitis/Pancreatic Cancer, Jaundice, Nausea, Digestive Problems, Diabetes, Gall Stones, Gas, Procrastination, Insecurities in Career or Relationships, Weakness
* Solar Plexus Stimulants: Taking classes, reading informative books, doing mind puzzles. Sunshine. Detoxication programs. Yellow food & drink. Yellow gemstones and yellow clothing. Using yellow oils such as lemon or rosemary essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I CAN”. I can do anything I set m mind to. I am powerful and use power wisely. I have a good sense of humor and laugh often.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To experience the depth of who we are, without reservation, fear, or controlling others, to live our life task or soul’s life purpose.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
* Location: At the heart level (front & back)
* Color: green/or pink
* Gland: Thymus gland
* Element: Air
* Sense: Touch
* Function: Love, compassion
* Mantra: I love
* Seed Mantra: Yum
* Leaves/Petals: 12
* Yoga Path: Bhakti
* Food Type: Vegetables, Fruits, Leafy vegetables, Liquids, Spices
* Physical: Heart, Thymus Gland, Lower Lungs, Circulatory System, Hands, Skin, Upper Back
* Effects: Unconditional Love for Self and Others, Compassion, Emotional Balance, Ability to give and receive love, Acceptance of Self and Others.
* Associated Stones: Jade, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Malachite, Peridot, Rhodocrisite, Unakite, Green or Pink Stones and Crystals
* Illness: Heart disease, Various Veins, Immune disorders, Breast Cancer, Allergies, Rashes, Acne, Lupus
* Heart Stimulants: Nature walks, time spent with family or friends. Green food & drink. Green gemstones and green clothing. Using green oils such as eucalyptus or pine essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I LOVE”. I am loving and lovable. I am deeply compassionate. I am a source of healing in the world.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To experience compassion and connection with oneself and others.
Throat Chakra (Visuddha)
* Location: At the throat area (front & back)
* Color: sky-blue
* Gland: Thyroid
* Element: Ether/Space, Earth, S
* Sense: Hearing
* Function: Communication, self-expression, clairaudience.
* Mantra: I Speak
* Seed Mantra: Hum
* Leaves/Petals: 16
* Yoga Path: Mantra
* Food Type: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Liquids, tart or tangy fruits, Other tree-grown fruits, Spices
* Physical: Throat, Lungs, Thyroid, Vocal chords, Neck, Jaw, Upper Digestive Tract, Alimentary Canal, Arms
* Effects: Communication, Expression, Creativity, Harmony Between Inner and Outside Worlds, Will, Freedom, Honesty, Openness
* Associated Stones: Turquoise, Blue Agate, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Stones and Crystals, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz
* Illness: Repression, Sadness, Inability to translate thought to words, Sore Throat, Canker Sores, Asthma, Thyroid Problem
* Throat Stimulants: Singing (in the shower), poetry, stamp or art collecting. Meaningful conversations. Blue food & drink. Blue gemstones and blue clothing. Using blue oils such as chamomile or geranium essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I SPEAK”. I know my truth and I share it. I am guided by my deepest purpose. My life is guided by divine synchronicity.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To be heard and understood, to speak and receive the Truth
Third-Eye Chakra (Brow/Anja Chakra)
* Location: At the forehead (front & back)
* Color: Indigo
* Gland: Pituitary
* Element: Electrical or telepathic energy, Light & Water
* Sense: Thought
* Function: Intuitive center, seat of will and clairvoyance.
* Mantra: I See
* Seed Mantra: Aum
* Leaves/Petals: 2
* Yoga Path: Tantra
* Food Type: Beauty (visual feast), Echinacea, Eggplant, Ginseng, Vegan, Dark, Bluish colored fruits, Liquids, Spices
* Physical: Lower Brain, Nose, Mouth, Ears, Left Eye, Central Nervous System, Face
* Effects: Increase Intuition, Mental Clarity, Stability of Moods, Releasing of Childhood Trauma, Dissolves Fear, Peaceful Dreams, Restful Sleep, Forgiveness, and Letting Go of Resentment
* Associated Stones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite, Azurite, Lepidolite, Pearl, Purple Stones and Crystals.
* Illness: Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Nightmares, Headaches, Sinus Problems, Glaucoma, Near or Far Sightedness, Catracts, Facial acne, Facial rashes or boils.
* Brow Stimulants: Star gazing. Mediation Indigo food & drink. Indigo gemstones and indigo clothing. Using indigo oils such as patchouli or frankincense essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I SEE”. I am intuitive and follow my inner guidance. I always see the big picture. I avidly follow my dreams.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To use insight and intuition instead of judgment This is where peace and clarity automatically occur.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
* Location: The entire top of the head
* Color: Violet (Gold)
* Gland: Pineal
* Element: Cosmic Energy, Spirit, Thought, Fire
* Sense: Seventh Sense
* Function: Connects us with our spiritual self
* Mantra: I understand
* Seed Mantra: Silence
* Leaves/Petals: 1000
* Yoga Path: Jnana
* Food Type: Fasting, Blackberry, Dark Blue Grapes and Garlic, Omnivorous, Air, Incense, Smudging, Herbs
* Physical: Brain, Spinal Cord, Cerebral cortex, right eye
* Effects: Seeing the Overall Picture, Connection to Universe, Oneness, Spiritual Awareness, Consciousness, Enlightenment
* Associated Stones: Cyrstal Quartz, Moonstone, Selenite, Pearl, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Calcite, White or Clear Stones and Crystals
* Illness: Frustration, Anger, Envy, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Confusion, Memory Loss/Poor Memory
* Crown Stimulants: Focusing on dreams. Writing down one’s visions and inventions. Violet food & drink. Violet gemstones and violet clothing. Using violet oils such as lavender or jasmine essential oils.
* Affirmations: “I KNOW”. I am intelligent and aware. I am one with everything. I have endless, great ideas.
* Life Lesson (Soul’s Desire): To experience the divine meaning to life.
Thanks for reading.
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