Δευτέρα 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Two shoulder stretches for the end of your day

Try these two simple stretches for your shoulders. These are great if you spend your 
day sitting at a desk or for anyone with stiff shoulders. Esther also guides you through
thsese stretches in a free video at the end of the article. 

Stretch One
Sit on your heels with your knees wide apart.  Place your hands in front of you with 
your fingers pointing towards you and the heels of your hand pointing away. 
Very gently lean into the hands stretching out the back of the wrists, the inner arm
s and the shoulders.

To deepen the stretch, walk your hands away from you a little further. Don’t go too far.
  You don’t need to go to your edge just because you can! 
Draw the pubic bone under a little so you don’t overarch the lower back.

Hold the stretch for two to three minutes.

Stretch Two

For the second stretch sit on your mat. It's fine to sit up on something like a block
 if that helps to keep your spine long.

Bend your left knee and then bring the right bent leg on top.
You can keep the lower leg extended if that’s more comfortable.

Take both arms up and turn the palms so that they are facing away from you
. Then bring
 your hands behind you into a reverse namaste (prayer position).

You can also hold your opposite elbows.

Hold the pose, breathing comfortably, perhaps for a minute and a half. Then release
 the arms, swap your legs and do the other side.  
Try these stretches whenever you get the chance during the day - your shoulders 
will love it!

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