Τετάρτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

The Secret to Holding a Visualization

Deliberately fill in the details of what you want!
Deliberately fill in the details of what you want!
Would you believe that you already have the power to achieve success? That the ability to manifest all of your desires, dreams and goals has always been inside you? And that it’s as easy as sitting with your eyes closed, in a relaxed, comfortable seat, using your imagination?
A daily visualization practice:
Changes beliefs.
Boosts brain functioning.
Raises vibrational frequency.
Engages the subconscious.
Increased confidence.
Envisioning success enhances motivation and confidence.
To prepare for visualization:
If you are struggling with visualizing, try looking in magazines or online for images that inspire you. It’s very helpful to create a vision board to help your brain fill in the details so create a vision storyboard as a powerful visualization tool – it can be a bulletin board, notebook or you can create one online, for example on Pinterest. Design a theme with examples where you can see your desires. Have fun, play with the creation process.
Read an inspirational story or recall when a friend or loved one used visualization. Recently a close friend shared his experience with a second bout of leukemia, saying visualization was instrumental for his mental, physical and spiritual healing. Starting with small steps, Jeff initially focused on leaving ICU for general patient care, then returning to home recovery. Each step a part of the larger goal. While in ICU, he would hear the worst case scenario from his panel of doctors. To see himself going in a totally different direction, Jeff used visualization to avoid negative thoughts. When the physical aspect of his body was breaking down, Jeff used visualization to see his way back to health. During chemotherapy, Jeff’s mental health and faith were always strong and positive, however, he used visualization to continue seeing himself in this way. Keeping himself happy and mentally energetic. Jeff drew on visualizations when his immune system was so compromised he was unable to attend church, visualizing himself receiving nurturing and spiritual messages.
Add emotion. LOTS of positive emotion.
Add emotion. LOTS of positive emotion.
Set intentions for your visualization. Be super clear on what you want, and be ready for the changes that will necessarily occur in order for that image to come to life. Visualization is mental rehearsal of what you want. Remind yourself, that thoughts become things.
When setting an intention be prepared for a transformation, not of the physical body, or your conscious mind.
This transformation will occur in your subconscious, where aspects of you that have been hurt or wounded, have been put so far away that you can’t remember where the pain is originating from.
To truly want change, open yourself to the unknown. It’s different. If it were the same, you’d keep getting the same results…
This means allowing unacknowledged pain and suffering to release, embracing the fear of what may happen, trusting the process of life to support you, and also knowing that transformation may bring to light a love for ourselves unlike anything previously experienced – not the love based on relationships which promise to stay together forever, or wanting another person to provide our happiness; this love is pure, radiant, ego-less, the divine flowing through us. This is self-love, allowing the full expression of who you are, to manifest in many wondrous ways!
Write down goals in the form of positive, life-affirming messages.
Open yourself to letting life live through you, rather than resisting what life has to offer.
Release expectations. The desire to manifest is as important as letting go of the desired outcome.
Relax with the knowing that everything is unfolding exactly as it is meant to be.
Trust the process without attaching to the outcome. The universe is supporting you on this journey.
Vividly imagine an experience you would like to have. It’s important to fill in the details. Many people feel that visualizing what they desire doesn’t work because they can’t see the details – well, if you don’t put those details into your mental image, they won’t be there!
Visualize more than the picture, feel the emotion associated. Feel strong emotions associated with the desire. Make it a full body experience involving all the senses. What are you seeing, smelling or hearing? Do you see colors? What strong emotions are you feeling?
THE SECRET: visualize in short bursts. When a negative thought or emotion intrudes, it pollutes the clarity and quality of your visualization. STOP immediately. Shift your attention to something else until that unwanted thought/emotion has dissipated. Just let it float away… and then put a big smile on your face (this is a psychological signal that all is well!) and repeat the visualization. Shoot for 10-20 seconds – that’s about as long as most people can focus intently and hold a visualization. If you can go longer, great! Keep at it! But – DO NOT get frustrated if you can’t hold a vision. This is the time to relax, and start repeating your affirmations – with gusto – and don’t worry about creating a mental image. Your brain translates every word into an image anyway! Then, when you’re in a more relaxed frame of mind, try repeating the visualization.
Repeat your affirmations and visualizations daily. Set an alarm for each morning and night and repeat your affirmations until they become automatic.
Embrace the positive results that can come of visualization when it comes to athletics, business, health, love, family, all aspects of your life. They will happen. Everything you have ever created or manifested first started as a mental image!

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